Almost everyone has experienced constipation at some point in their lives. It can be downright painful and not fun. There is, however, a way to prevent this! Constipation is not something to take lightly. You may want to get serious about treating constipation if you experience it regularly. Experiencing constipation for a long period of time can grow into something worse, such as hemmorhoids or anal fissures.  That’s not what anyone wants! Learn how juicing and constipation can be easily resolved.

 Acids and enzymes needed for digestion are present in fresh fruit and vegetable juices. Why not add more fresh juice to your diet to ease this constipation? You can prevent and relieve the pain caused by this condition.

Constipation: What are the best juices to drink?

To relieve or prevent constipation, you can drink many different types of juice. Which is the best?

Constipation can be treated with good old water. Constipation is often caused by dehydration. Besides being vital to good health, water also helps to flush toxins from the body. Drink plenty of liquids daily to ease lingering constipation. Your plan to “get things moving again” can include drinking water. Furthermore, anyone with a poor bathroom routine should have no problem with it.

As a result of the fresh juice, the digestive system is stimulated and the body has less inflammation than other types of drinks or sodas. Fruits and vegetables contain fibre that helps bulk the stool and keep it moving through the intestines.

However, fruit and vegetable fibre is removed by juicing, so a way to include more fibre in your diet while keeping it easy to consume is to make smoothies instead of juice. 

Since everyone’s body reacts differently to fruits and vegetables, there is no single answer for what juice you should drink. Therefore, the prune is the most commonly credited with relieving constipation.

Juice from prunes 

In addition to helping with constipation, prune juice also helps with bloating, gas pains, and irritability. The soluble fiber in prunes is called sorbitol. (1) It is not digested, nor does it hydrate the body. Bulking up the stool and promoting bowel movements will result from its use. Although sorbitol is not digested, it will not cause discomfort and relief is around the corner as soon as you drink the first glass of prune juice!

Juice from pears

Constipation can be relieved with apple juice as apple juice contains four times as much sorbitol as pear juice. Despite its sweeter taste, it is also a great option for children who have constipation. One interesting, but little known, fact about pear juice is that it can help you recover from a hangover after a night of drinking. 

Apple juice

The apple also contains sorbitol, like prunes. Due to apple juice’s gentler effect, it is better for children who have constipation. In contrast, if you have diarrhea, eat a whole apple since the pectin (removed in juicing) will help firm your stools up. (4)Eight ounces of apple juice contain about one gram of soluble dietary fiber; two glasses are sufficient to ease constipation symptoms.

In addition to softening the stool, short-chain fatty acids are formed as a result of the pectin degradation. Using this process, it takes waste from our food only a few hours to make its way through our gut. 

It’s important to keep the gut healthy not only for general health, but also for the bacterial friends we keep in there. Eating enough fiber will keep their spirits high. 

Juice made from citrus fruits

Constipation can be prevented by drinking lemon juice. Furthermore, it’s loaded with nutrients that help digestion, so you can use it as a detox as well. Lemon juice contains citric acid, which helps your body move waste through your intestines more easily. 

Lemons add a tangy taste and boost the benefits of regular juices. Your daily water can be flavored with lemon juice.

Orange juice is another citrus juice that is great for constipation. Besides being rich in vitamin C and pectin, this juice softens stools. Natural remedies for constipation can include oranges. Citrus fruits are rich in fiber, which adds bulk to stools and helps stimulate bowel movements. Furthermore, it contains a flavanol (naringenin), which helps with digestion problems such as IBS and diarrhea.

Pineapple juice 

It’s a refreshing and delicious drink to drink pineapple juice. Constipation can also be relieved by it. This is because pineapple juice contains bromelain, a naturally occurring enzyme that breaks down proteins.

As well as soothing sore muscles, bromelain reduces inflammation. Constipation can be relieved with exercise as well. In addition, bromelain helps to reduce inflammation and soothe sore muscles, so why not drink a glass after exercise.

Fig Juice

A good old fig is another well-known remedy for constipation. Figs are packed with fibre. Also, they contain enzymes that speed up the transit of waste through the digestive system. In addition to relieving constipation pain, these enzymes help to stimulate digestion. It would take quite a few figs to get enough juice to make a difference for constipation. Rather than juicing them, you might want to eat them whole instead. You could also add the flesh of a few figs to a smoothie.  

Kiwi Juice

Drinking kiwi juice daily for two weeks can help you have looser stools and healthy bowel movements. It’s delicious to drink kiwis juice in addition to different green vegetable juices. Kiwis are also rich in antioxidants.


The mild taste of spinach and its abundance of nutrients can ease constipation. It is also rich in fibre, which aids in the movement of things as well. Because of its delicate flavor, it can be added to many juices without altering the taste. It is a great addition to your juice tool box for dealing with digestive issues.

Whether you drink these juices alone or in combination, you’ll never have to worry about constipation again.