One of the considerations when purchasing a juicer is the price. There is no guarantee that more expensive is better. When making any purchase, it’s a good idea to read reviews and weigh the pros and cons. Nevertheless, if you intend to juice for a long time, you should do your research and spend a little more. Make sure the juicer will produce plenty of juice and last a long time. It is impossible to discuss individual juicers here, but the following information should be considered when asking the question what kind of juicer should I buy.

Juicers come in three types. A centrifugal juicer is the first type. Juicers of this type are the most popular, especially for beginners. As well as being the cheapest, they are usually the most reliable. However, this does not mean it is the most economical. The produce is placed in a large funnel on top of the machine. Metal cutters that spin very quickly feed into this system. As a result, the juice is forced out of the produce. 

The pulp is pumped into a separate part and the juice is pumped out of a nozzle into a jug. There is still a fair amount of juice left in the pulp as it tends to be quite moist. It is for this reason that this type of juicer is not the most economical. It is best to use organic produce when juicing. In the end, however, if you don’t get the most out of it, then it can prove costly. 

In addition, centrifugal juicers are not very effective for extracting juice from leafy vegetables such as spinach. If you roll up leafy vegetables tightly before juicing them, you can get more juice.

You can always use the pulp from juicing vegetables to make soup or you can blend the pulp and then sieve it. We’ll get a little more juice out of this. This can be a lot of work.

The fast spinning of centrifugal juicers also produces heat. Vitamins, especially, can be destroyed by this heat. You want to keep as many nutrients intact as possible, which is one of the main reasons to juice raw fruit and vegetables. Additionally, this speed creates froth on the juice. Oxygen is responsible for that froth. One benefit of oxygen is that it can make juice taste better. However, it also causes the juice to ‘go off’ much more quickly. Even if you plan on drinking the juice right away, this doesn’t matter. If you keep the juice for more than a day, it will not taste as good, will lose nutrients, and may also ferment. When left to stand, the juice also separates. Usually, this can be rectified by stirring the juice, but it can make it look less appetizing. 

A centrifugal juicer is ideal for juicing hard fruits and vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, ginger, apples, and pears. Juicing soft fruits such as berries is not very effective.

A masticating juicer, sometimes called a cold press juicer, is the next type of juicer. Simply by reading that description, you can tell that the juice is extracted without heat. Vitamins and minerals are preserved in this way. This juicer does not add froth or oxygen to the juice, unlike centrifugal juicers. As a result, the juice can be stored and won’t go bad as quickly.

Juice is extracted from masticating juicers by crushing it, which is a slower process but yields more juice. Chopped fruits and vegetables are needed. Juicers with centrifugal feed tubes are narrower than those with coaxial feed tubes. A separate piece of machinery separates the pulp. Using a fine mesh, all the fibre is removed from the juice. 

Masticating juicers have the disadvantage of being more expensive than centrifugal juicers. However, they extract a lot more juice, and the pulp is drier as a result. Moreover, masticating juicers are much more efficient at extracting juice from softer fruit and vegetables, such as leafy greens. Spinach and kale contain a lot of nutrients, so you can add them to your juices and benefit from them. 

In the long run, a masticating juicer can be more economical than a centrifugal one if you use it regularly.  When you consider the cost of the produce and the fact that you get more juice, there is much less waste. 

Juicers that masticate juice are much slower and louder than centrifugal ones. Unfortunately, they can also be difficult to disassemble, clean, and reassemble. In spite of this, the more expensive models are marketed as being easier to disassemble, clean, and reassemble, as well as quieter. Among these higher-end models, nuts and seeds can also be ground. 

Triturating juicers are the last type of juicer. The best juicers have the advantages of both the other two types. Although they look good on the kitchen counter, they can cost hundreds or even thousands of pounds/dollars. As a result, most of these juicers are found in juice bars, for instance. All the juice will be squeezed out of the produce after the produce is chopped up. Two gears rotate to accomplish this. The produce is crushed and ground in this machine.  Although this juicer is the most efficient, it is the most expensive.


Centrifugal Juicers

Cheaper entry level pricing
Suitable for hard fruits and vegetables
Oxygen improves flavor
Vegetables and fruits can be juiced

Juice cannot be stored for more than a day
Loss of vitamins and minerals

Masticating Juicers

Juice is extracted in large quantities
All fruits and vegetables can be juiced

It is more expensive (but can be more economical if used frequently)
To prepare produce, the skin must be peeled (if bitter) and chopped
It’s louder
Cleans poorly
Triturating Juicers
Juice all fruits and vegetables
Maximizes the amount of juice extracted from produce
Look good

The price is very high
First, the produce must be chopped quite small
Cleans up slowly
They can be very large
Heavier than usual

We hope that information help you in deciding what kind of juicer you should buy.